Tuesday, July 29, 2008

But Wait! There's More!

Wooooooot! =P Anyhoo. Since I use proxy to open Friendster in the office, and for some reasons proxies don't make me publish posts here in this blog, saving it as drafts instead, blog updates are always at my other blog.

As you all know, I'm a devotee of sloth and copy-pasting from that to my Friendster and Blogspot blogs defies that. So there, since you're not as a sloth as me, just go click the link above or, if it didn't work, go figure out for yourself a way to get there. Nyahah.

Anyhoo, I copy-pasted 4 entries here before posting this. I'm not sure if by the time you read this, copy-pasted entries from there here are up to date. Woot! Harhar!


Vain Jane said...

hi, do you blog layouts?
I am in a desperate need of one. I'd like to have my blog redone. please do email me at jannacalaunan@gmail.com

template by suckmylolly.com flower brushes by gvalkyrie.deviantart.com