Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Happy For A Happy Egoy

Although I made a promise that I won't blog about this, I just can't help being uberly happy for him. Heheh. Reading this, so far, probably would make him want to strangle me. I'm so happy for him, I really want to hug him every time I see him, although I hug him on a regular basis already, but recently the urge is different. Harhar.

The reason why I'm uber happy for him is because he found a reason to be "seriously" in love. Heheh. Even before he told me who it was, I'm already uber happy for him when he told me about wanting to settle in a serious relationship. For the Nth time, I'm really uber happy. ^__^

Grrr. That girl is really lucky. And I think, too, that he's lucky. Heheh. I never had a negative anything for him from the first day I met him. I actually like him because he's so effin funny, although some thinks he's annoying. Someone even said he's not boyfriend material, and I totally opposed it already even before I had heart to heart talks with him. And now that I knew how sensible this guy is despite others thinking that he's annoying and all that other shit, having to know him a little deeper than others dare made me love him. Love for a friend, that is. Nothing romantic, mind you! I believe he and AJ understand what I'm talking about. Harhar.

Now I know why AJ told me when we broke up that if ever we don't end up together, he would be happy to know I will be with that person. Those were the days when I'm so glad I have someone as effin funny as he is for a friend. No serious talks with him yet. Harhar. AJ mistook it as having a crush on him, that's why he told me that. Harhar. Well, I'm no hypocrite to say that if ever someone like him offers love to me and I'm single I won't accept it. Harhar.

Again, for the Nth time, I'm uber happy for him. You wouldn't really expect something like this from him especially if you're judging him already without even daring to know him a little deeper. I'm so glad I have him as a friend. I love him! Harhar! I really wish him happiness. ^__~


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